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Agroecosystem Management Program

Using ArcGIS Online at OSU

Because AMP frequently uses GIS in its research and outreach work, we want to provide assistance to new users on how to make use of the tools available to them through Ohio State. The Ohio State University maintains an annual site license for many Esri product offerings through an education institutional agreement including the web application ArcGIS Online. ArcGIS Online can be used to create and share interactive maps and apps and perform spatial analysis tasks.

OSU employees often are unaware of how to access ArcGIS Online for the first time.  Follow the instructions below to log in to your Ohio State ArcGIS Online organizational account. If you do not already have an account, one will be created for you the first time you log in with these steps. These instructions (and more information about ArcGIS) are also available through The Ohio State University Libraries Research Commons website.


AGOL Organization Sign In





1. Navigate to The Ohio State University's ArcGIS Online organization.

2. Click on "The Ohio State University."

SSO Log In

3. Log in using your Ohio State credentials.

NOTE: If you instead choose to log in via the generic ArcGIS Online website (, you must select the option to sign in with "Your ArcGIS organization's URL" as shown below to be able to log in with your Ohio State credentials.

AGOL Alternate Sign In