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Agroecosystem Management Program

New AMP Programs for Students and Faculty

The AMP Program is pleased to announce multiple new programs to benefit students, faculty, and sustainable agriculture in the state. These programs are currently available on our website.

  • Graduate Research Seed Grant Program empowers and enables OSU graduate students to conduct research that supports healthier and more equitable agroecosystems. Provides $5,000 to cover expenses for individual or group Ohio State graduate student research projects that advance our understanding of agroecosystem management of farming and food systems. Deadline is February 1.
  • Undergraduate Internship Program provides funding for hourly undergraduate internship employment (up to $7,500 for wages and benefits). The proposal may be submitted by a student or faculty member and is open to students at Ohio State and Central State universities. The focus of the internship must advance the mission of AMP. Deadline February 15.
  • Student Registration Fee Awards covers registration fees for students to attend conferences, meetings, and hands-on workshops (up to $250/year). Events should align with AMP mission and increase student understanding and applied skills in the use of agroecological approaches in food and farming systems. Rolling deadline.
  • AMP Faculty Affiliate Program is a way for faculty and staff to become more engaged in our mission. We hope to build services and benefits around this program that will assist you with programming, grant writing, networking, and more. Rolling deadline.